Enterprise Software Custom Built to Meet the Unique Needs Of Your Organization

Built to Order Desktop, Web or Mobile Software For All Your Needs

Every business has competitive advantages that differentiate it from its competitors. There are unique differences in how it sells itself and operates its business compared to every other business in its industry. Most organizations just “figure it out” when they start operating. Their leadership just start working using the tools that are most familiar to them or common in their industry. Fast forward in time, their organization is a mismatched collection of fragmented databases, nothing is integrated, nothing works together, and it is a massive effort to keep everything operating. To grow or achieve organizational efficiency, they need to put the right systems in place, organize their data and integrate their systems. Our enterprise software projects are customized solutions to fit the unique needs of a client or industry. It can be a desktop application, mobile app, website, or web service that has been developed to meet unique requirements and solve specific problems.

With our enterprise software solutions, the client has complete freedom and decision-making capability on all aspects of how the software looks, operates and deployed. They determine as many aspects of the solution as they would like from what the user screens look like, to which systems are integrated into the solution, to how the reports are calculated and anything else. This gives the client the freedom to tailor their software to fit every unique aspect of their organization and gives them the freedom to adapt it as their organization changes. This is the preferred solution for organizations that have high regulatory compliance, unique selling and marketing requirements, specific operating requirements, or are just a round peg in a square hole.

Custom Enterprise Software is the Road Less Traveled.


Doing Nothing Is Ignoring the Elephant In the Room

When your organization can’t utilize standard off the shelf software to manage your operations you will be faced with one of three paths. First, you could ignore the problem and continue operating the way you always have. Your growth potential will most likely be tied to adding human capital, your operating costs will be higher, you will be more prone to errors, and it will be difficult to achieve economies of scale. This is the least expensive short-term solution but will often be much more expensive in the long run both in terms of cost and missed revenue. Sadly, this is the road most often chosen as it is the path of least resistance.

Specialized Software For Your Industry is Better, buts Still Fits Like A Suit Off
the Rack

Second, you could attempt to cobble together a solution that fits like a suit off the rack. In today’s day and age, there are many different software solutions to consider for your organization. Often, you can find software for your specific industry or marketplace. Retail software is designed to fit the most common needs of the widest possible audience. While an improvement, it will only get you so far and to work well it requires your organization to conform to their predetermined business rules. This is probably an okay solution for most organizations, but it will limit your options and often can force you to travel down the same road as your competitors

Efficiency Scale

Custom Enterprise Software For Your Organization is the Best Long-Term Solution For Your Organization

Lastly, you could choose to engage Devmatics to design, develop, deploy and maintain a custom enterprise solution for your organization. With a custom enterprise solution, the software fits your organization like a tailored suit. It has been designed from the ground up to meet your specific requirements and work as effectively as possible for your organization. It can adapt and grow as your business changes. It offers the highest return on investment of any solution as its operating costs are not tied to your organization’s revenue. It allows you to focus on growing your business and not on resolving daily business interferences.

Is There A Better Way? What Does A Custom Enterprise Solution Look Like for My Organization?

Have you ever found yourself spending an inordinate amount of time on a task and thought to yourself why is this so difficult? Shouldn’t there be a better way? Do you have high payroll costs for low-value activities? Most organizations spend thousands of dollars or more every year on tasks and time that could easily be automated with custom software. While giving a job to someone is a good thing, let’s make it a good job working on high-value tasks. Our solutions allow your existing workforce to focus their time and efforts on the projects that matter to the organization.

What Does This Cost? What is the Timeline?


The very nature of custom enterprise solutions is that they are unique, one-of-a-kind, specialized and have an audience of a few. While not the least expensive solution for an organization it does offer the highest return on investment. Remember, it doesn’t matter what the software costs in the long run. Human time will always be more expensive, less reliable and more prone to error. We work with our clients to help identify the most important and expensive aspects of their operation to include in their enterprise solution. Often developing proprietary software for your organization is a one-time cost compared to the on-going cost of payroll.

Before the commencement of any project, we determine a scope of work, timeline, and budget. We use these documents to guide our work so we can deliver a project on time and budget. Nobody likes surprises, we want our clients to know before getting started how long the project is going to take and what they can expect it to cost.

Clients can help control the cost of integration projects by being prepared and actively engaged throughout the process. The most successful project often has an internal champion inside the client’s organization which helps guide the project, clears internal roadblocks, assisting with quality control and getting consensus on direction from their team. While these seem like simple tasks they make a huge difference in the time requirements and can often save the company significant expense.

Typically, we recommend a phased approach when building a bespoke solution. A phased approach helps the client better organize their business, adapt over time, spread the cost over a longer period and see measurable results throughout the project. As a first step, we recommend tackling the low hanging fruit and earning some quick wins. We like to resolve the biggest thorn in the sides of the workforce. This helps build trust, frees up the client’s internal resources to focus on higher-value tasks and gives some quick insight to us on how the client operates.

Let's Improve Your Organization's Efficiency and Effectiveness! Let's Build Something Today!

We Can Build a Custom Web Portal, Backend System, Internal Use Mobile App and More.

We Will Work With You To Build Solutions To Resolve your Specific Problems

Building custom software for your organization is a step in the direction of efficiency and effectiveness. It demonstrates your organization’s commitment to responsibility and productivity. It shows that you are putting the quality of your data, the time of your staff and fulfilling your mission statement as the primary objectives of the operation of your organization. Devmatics can help you bring this vision to life. We can design, develop, deploy and maintain your organization’s enterprise software and help you reach your fullest potential. We seek difficult projects, the impossible goals and the hard to reach objectives. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our clients and are committed to your success.

Let’s Build Something Together